How to visit Omuta
Infomation Center
Omuta kankou Plaza(The tourists information office in Omuta/phone:+81-944-52-2212)
The tourists information office in Arao(phone:+81-968-57-9155)
Because of staff in these facilities can not speak English fluently, it is necessary to speak slowly at the time of inquiry.
JR Omuta station(jei aaru omuta eki)
Shinkansen and Jr Kyushu service operate to/from Tokyo(\23,750,about six hours and twenty minutes),Osaka (\16,540~,about three hours and thirty minutes),Kumamoto (\940,fifty minutes),Kagoshima(\7,690,two hours and twenty two minutes).
Bicycle cost \500 per day.
Electric bikes cost \1000 per day.
Jr shin-Omuta station(jei aaru shin-omuta eki)
Shinkansen service operate to/from Tokyo(about six hours (\26,000,about six hours),Shin-Osaka (\17,420,three hours and twelve minutes,),Kumamoto(\2,690,seventeen minutes),Kagoshima (\8,310,seventy minutes).
7 km from the new Omuta Station to Omuta Station.
Nishitetsu omuta station (Nishitetsu Omuta eki)
service operate to/from Nishitetsu Fukuoka(\1,020,about six hours and twenty minutes).Shimabara(\2,690,about 80 minutes).
It takes a few minutes to make connections to JR Omuta Station from Nishitetsu Omuta station.
Electronic Bicycles cost \800 per day.
From Tokyo International Airport:example